International Cargo Insurance

Unlike European countries, in which cargo insurance during international transportation is carried out in more than 90% of cases, in Russia the majority of cargo owners still rely on “maybe”, sending a consignment of goods abroad. In vain. Indeed, in the event of damage or destruction of the goods, they will not receive a penny. To avoid such situations, you must arrange insurance, and even better not one. Our company provides a full range of cargo insurance for international transport.

Types of insurance for international freight

There are two main types of insurance drawn up for international transportation: cargo insurance and carrier liability insurance. These are completely different types of insurance that will minimize the financial loss of the cargo owner in the event of damage or destruction of the transported goods.
We provide a full range of cargo insurance services for international transport
Cargo insurance protects the material interests of the cargo owner in the event of loss or damage to the goods. Insurance companies offer three types of cargo insurance (reservations) that differ in the degree of responsibility of the insurance organization:
Reservation A - the cargo is insured against any risks, with the exception of those listed (military actions, radiation exposure, careless attitude to the cargo, exposure to ambient temperature, impaired package integrity and dispatch of damaged cargo, etc.);
Reservation B - the cargo is insured only against the risks specified in the insurance (natural disasters, collision or wreck of vehicles engaged in cargo transportation, disappearance of a vehicle, an accident during loading / unloading of cargo, general accident, etc.);
Reservation C - the cargo is insured only against partial or total loss in the event of the destruction of the vehicle that transported the goods (collision, crash, explosion, fire).
We insure the goods for the entire time of its transportation, starting with the reception at the consignor’s warehouse and ending with unloading at the destination.
The carrier’s liability insurance allows you to receive financial compensation for damage to the goods transported due to the carrier’s fault. Be sure to include in the CMR value of the goods. In the event of an insured event, this will help to get maximum benefits. Otherwise, insurance payments will be calculated on the basis of a certain conditional cost per kilogram of the cargo being transported.

Cost and guarantees of cargo insurance for international shipments

Our company provides insurance of transported goods only in reliable firms and provides its clients with assistance in both the design of cargo insurance and carrier liability insurance. We insure the goods for the entire time of its transportation, starting with the reception at the consignor’s warehouse and ending with unloading at the destination. In the event of an insured event, our employees assist in obtaining the necessary payments from the insurance company.